The purpose of our Men’s Ministry is as follows: First, we desire our men to experience a rich, satisfying relationship with Jesus Christ. Second, we desire to instruct and encourage our men in the understanding of biblical manhood. Thirdly, we desire to foster biblical friendships between men that will result in discipleship relationships, and will result in relationships of encouragement between peers (Proverbs 27:17). Fourth, we seek to develop in men their giftedness to effectively and faithfully serve both their family and the body of Christ.

Philosophy of Ministry
Men's Bible Study
Thursdays, 6:00 pm

This is for men of all ages who are looking for a discussion format study. (Located in the Fireside Room)

Men's Breakfast

2nd Saturday, 8:00 am (Oct- May)

Food, fellowship and encouraging testimony or teaching for men and boys of all ages.